Nashville Workplace Discrimination Attorney
Discrimination exists in many forms. In some cases, it might not be obvious that your rights have been abused while on the job. For example, religious discrimination may appear in the form of grooming and attire restrictions put forth by your employer. Perhaps your employer requires that you work on a day that you wish to keep as the Sabbath. Or maybe your rights have been violated in a more obvious way; in the form of racial discrimination.
Regardless of the form of discrimination, it is important to contact an attorney immediately if you feel that you are the victim of workplace discrimination. This is true not only for representation purposes, but also because an attorney will determine whether you have a viable case.
If you have reason to believe your rights have been violated, contact discrimination attorney Wade B. Cowan online today or call 615-352-2331 or 866-274-2409 to schedule an initial consultation.
Proven Results
Mr. Cowan is dedicated to pursuing each case according to what is in the best interest of each client. If pursuing a financial settlement is appropriate, he will exhaust all options available to you. But if it is more important to take your case to trial, Mr. Cowan‘s results are proven by his track record.
For example, in an age discrimination case involving a 59-year-old aerospace engineer who was terminated after more than two decades with his company, Mr. Cowan helped his client recover more than $875,000.
In another age discrimination case, Mr. Cowan‘s client was fired after a year of service, a few days before hip surgery at age 59. Mr. Cowan helped his client recover nearly $700,000.
Contact A Nashville Workplace Discrimination Lawyer
If you feel that you’ve been a victim of workplace discrimination, contact Nashville, Tennessee, attorney Wade B. Cowan online now or call 615-352-2331 or 866-274-2409.